What’s Next?

My Favorite Program: The Sweaty Mastermind.

Online. Live. No PDFs, pre-recorded videos, Just people.

I’ve built a program that is specifically for the people that need community. But can’t find one they align with or afford one geographically close by.

I know there are a lot of people like me:

Who hate roaming the gym floor.

Who aren’t self-motivated to workout.

Who know they need to sweat more but dislike the treadmill….or self-guided programs.

Who want to add more fun into their day.

Who need people to show up for.

Are you done with people making you take shirtless before pictures? Are you sick of hard core challenges and diets that only leave you feeling worse a few months later? Do you find yourself saying, “I just need to stop being lazy?” Well you might be like me and so many others…..

Are you sick of wasting money buying programs you don’t use?

I needed a different system of Accountability.

I needed to use a different type of motivation.

I will never be one of those type A, self-motivated, disciplined, willpower masters. So I stopped trying to be.

The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin.

Image from Gretchen Rubin’s

The Four Tendencies The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People's Lives Better, Too)

Instead, I’ve been hacking my environment to give me easy steps that set me up for doing what I really want to do.

So for me, an Obliger, how does that apply to exercise? I never understood why even with the knowledge and knowing exercise is good for us, I just would never be motivated to go to the gym and work out alone. I would buy programs and NEVER use them. BUT, if I’m scheduled to teach a class or meet a good friend for one and they were counting on me to be there?

HELL WOULD FREEZE OVER before I cancelled or didn’t show up.

I love LIVE classes. I am motivated by and to people first.

I love having actual humans to move, run, jump, pushup with and high five! I love uncomplicated exercises to follow.

I love good music that helps me move better. I want SAFE and functional fitness programming that will help me get stronger, fitter and age well.

I’m opening up a LIVE online fitness experiment where you will be placed in a small cohort like a Mastermind and you are accountable to show up. Weekly accountability check-in active movement+ discussion.

It will not be recorded, you don’t show up, you miss out!

But no one else will ever be watching you exercise.

Same people each class, for 12 weeks, a chance to make new authentic friendships.

If you need to tire out your kid? They can do it in the background.

A mix of non abusive cardio, mobility, strength training, low-impact HIIT, nervous system relaxation. No equipment or fancy clothes needed.

I’d love to share this with you and see your smiling and sweaty face on a weekly basis.

All levels, all sizes, all backgrounds. You just need the courage to turn your camera on and meet new people.